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"Creating a smokefree generation and tackling vaping" GOVUK Questionnaire


Have your say on the future of vaping, the government are imposing restrictions.

This is vitally important, we urge everyone to read.
The government are looking at ways to change our industry. We ask our followers and customers to share their feedback in the following questionnaire.
Do you enjoy vaping? Has vaping helped you stop cigarettes, or have we helped you quit smoking? These are important questions as our government looks at changes within the industry and asks for feedback on a recent questionnaire.
You may agree with some of the suggested changes, and some you may not. That is fine. But we must get them as much data as possible to change the industry positively. Specific changes the government are suggesting will negatively impact our effectiveness in helping people stop smoking, which has always been our primary focus. Please show your support with this questionnaire.

The questionnaire appears to be intentionally ambiguous with some of the questions, we've summised some of the questions below to assist.

You do not have to answer all questions 

1. "Do you agree or disagree that the UK Government and devolved administrations should restrict vape flavours?"
This is in reference to a flavour ban across the vaping industry, if this were to be passed there would be no flavoured e-liquid or disposables and would be limited to either just tobacco flavouring or tobacco and menthol flavouring.
2. "Which option or options do you think would be the most effective way for the UK Government and devolved administrations to implement restrictions on flavours?"
This refers to what extent a flavour ban would be introduced, if at all.
3. "Do you think there are any alternative flavour options the UK Government and devolved administrations should consider?"
Here they are asking if there are any other flavour they should look at banning, for example sweet flavours or dessert flavours i.e Pear Drops or Donuts.
4. "Do you think exemptions should be made for specialist vape shops?"
Here they are referencing the advertisement of disposables and vapes to deter children and young people under the age of 18. Would exceptions be made to shops like ours or others? We personally believe this would be a positive change as specialist shops should be the only businesses allowed to sell vape related items in a licensed model.
5. "Which option do you think would be the most effective way for the UK Government and devolved administrations to restrict the way vapes can be packaged and presented to reduce youth vaping?"
This refers to the packing of vape devices and liquids, such as plain packing seen on tobacco products.
6. "Do you think that an increase in the price of vapes would reduce the number of young people who vape?"
This is not a question relating to young people. This is around the taxation of vape devices. In a cost of living crisis this is not an acceptable change to make and would be a risk to public health as it would push people back towards cigarettes.
It appears to us that this questionnaire is the result of failures on the Trading Standards Association behalf. Their failure to regulate the market and allow an influx of both illegal, unregulated disposables being released into the market and the negligence of shops allowing sales to minors have brought on measures such as these. As such, business such as ours and the wider population who have greatly benefitted from vaping as a smoking cessation tool are now paying the price. It is vitally important for any person who's lifestyle has benefitted from vaping to have their say in this questionnaire and to secure the future of vaping in this country for the benefit of the wider population.

Click here to take part in the questionnaire